Group Therapy

Group Therapy
Group Therapy

Group therapy can be an effective tool for many as a supplement to individual therapy. Groups are led by 1-2 licensed therapists and generally meet for one to two hours each week. Each group is designed to target specific needs. Sometimes clients feel like they are all alone when suffering through a difficult period. When participating in a group it is often helpful to learn that others share many of the same challenges and problems. Group therapy provides a supportive network that can help you to put things into perspective and to help you come up with ideas and strategies for dealing with difficult issues, as well as offer a means to hold you accountable for making positive changes in your life.

Groups generally meet once per week at the same time and location. We provide group therapy for the following categories. Check back frequently as new groups are added to serve clients with additional needs.

Groups presently offered:

  • Divorce/end of relationship recovery (adults age 18 and older)
  • Children of divorce (groups separated by age category; for ages 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18 and older)
  • First Responder Peer Support Group
  • PTSD support group in Dallas, TX (for adults age 18 and older, meets in person)
  • PTSD online support group

If you are interested in joining a group, please contact us at 469-646-6350 for further information.

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Group Therapy 2

Please contact us at  469-646-6350